Tootjainfo: "Talents & Legends is a series of collaboration beers where Amager Bryghus invites some of the finest upcoming talents in the world of beer OR some of the most seasoned and respected legends to come brew with us. Collaboration beers have been an essential part of who we are for many years, and will be so also in the future. Because in this fast developing industry we can and we need to learn from and be inspired by each other, both them young hot-rods and the clever old farts who have been in the industry since like forever. And the good thing about learning in our little world is that it can so easily be turned into a fun day. Gamma Brewing is only a few years old. But in those very few years they have managed to find the secret formula to brewing solid craft beer. Especially their IPAs have been tuned to somewhere near perfection, so today they may very well be the best IPA smiths in the whole of the kingdom. So naturally it had to be an IPA. A great, big thank you to Gamma for brewing with us.
IBU 22"
Väike lihtne pudel, sildil noor ja vana karvik :) Vähene valge vahukiht kaob kiirelt. Õlle värvus: mehuselt häguselt kollane. Magus mangolõhn ulatub juba kaugelt ninani. Lähemalt nuhutades kerkib esile ka veidi humalakõrvetuse kirbet vinet, ent see isegi sobitub magus-mehuse põhjaga.
Esmamekk on keskmisest veidi raskema kehaga ja magus-kirbe. Keskmaitse balanseerib kirbelt hapuka humala üledoosi ja virsikumehu vahel. Lõppmaitse muutub hapukas-mõrkjaks, kuivapoolseks, vaiguseks ja krobeliseks. Järelmekk nihkub aga üsna kenasti tagasi hapukas-magusasse ja keelekülgi parkivasse mangomaailma, pannes päris lõpus keelepära kirbe-vürtsikalt kumama.
Keskmisest raskema kehaga, mõõdukalt karboniseerunud ja kuivapoolse paletiga, magusakas-kirbe-hapukas-mõrkjas-kirbe-hapukas-magusakas-vürtsika buketiga HEA taseme rüübe. Troopilise kenaduse ja ülepingutatult kirbe humalahulluse vahel üsna oskuslikult balansseeriv tegelane, mis küll kenasti kosutab, kuid uut klaasi kiirelt küünitama ei hakkaks.
pilt isetehtud
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