The Ceremonial Grain-Out (Amager / TRVE, Taani / USA) pdl 0,5 l. alc 6,0 %vol. Ratebeeri liigimääratlus "Saison" ja hinnang 78 punkti
Tootjainfo: "Quinced farmhouse ale.
If you look up the meaning of the word 'collaboration' in whatever dictionary, you will find something along the lines of ''the action of working with someone to produce something''. Whilst that second part might be applicable to the brewing world as well - the production of beer - it seems as though the cooperating part of it may have gotten lost in translation in brewer lingo. It is as if anything cooperative between breweries entails one person doing all the heavy lifting while everybody else involved just relaxes and gets sloshed. Then brewers from both parties get called for a graining out or hop addition shot for social media, and then it's back to one dude - or dudette - to proceed with knockout and pitching and a whole lot of cleaning. So when TRVE responded to our invite saying they unfortunately wouldn't have time for a full day of brewing with us, we couldn't help but think how that perfectly embodied the spirit of this type of partnership, and were stoked to have them come to us to hang out, hydrate and shoot the shit. And if this is not how your brewery operates when working alongside someone else's, then you must have not gotten the memo. For us, collabing really is all about employee abuse, bottle sharing, social network whoring, and some sort of entity summoning for the ceremonial grain-out. This beer was made with the fine peeps of TRVE Brewing from Denver, CO, USA."
Väikest kasvu pikakaelaline pudel, sildil langenud ingli kultuse elemente :) Erkvalge vaht täidab pool klaasi ja püsib mõnda aega. Õlle värvus - kirkalt kollane. Aroom saisonile omaselt magus-vürtsikas, mahlane ja puuviljane.
Väikest kasvu pikakaelaline pudel, sildil langenud ingli kultuse elemente :) Erkvalge vaht täidab pool klaasi ja püsib mõnda aega. Õlle värvus - kirkalt kollane. Aroom saisonile omaselt magus-vürtsikas, mahlane ja puuviljane.
Esmamekk on keskmise kehaga ja vürtsikas-mõrkjas. Keskmaitse muutub magusapoolsemaks, kuid võimendub ka sädelev vürtsipilv, selle kõrvale tõuseb hapukas kuiv puuviljane noot, mis ilmselt tuleb siis sellest küdooniast ... või mida iganes see "quince" tähendabki. Lõppmaitses ilmneb nüüd rohkem neid noote, mida seostaks "farmhouse ale" poolega ehk siis veidi sellist rõsket maalähedust, mis samas on üsna kenasti seoses saisoni pidulikuma olekuga. Järelmekk on magusakas-vürtsikas, mesine, puuviljane, õuna, aiva ja pirni vahepealne, mahlane ja meeleolukas.
Keskmise kehaga, tugevalt karboniseerunud ja kuivapoolse paletiga, vürtsikas-mõrkjas-magusakas-hapukas-vürtsikas-magusaka buketiga Übertaseme rüübe! Mõnusaimalt mahlane, sädelev ja pidulik. Seda võtaks kohe mitu-mitu klaasi jutti!
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