Pink Farts & Unicorns (Amager, Taani) pdl 0,5 l. alc 4,6 %vol. Ratebeeri liigimääratlus "India Style Lager" ja hinnang 66 punkti
Tootjainfo: "For centuries scientists have discussed the odd but in many ways relevant question: do the farts of unicorns smell? And if so, what do they smell of? Many scholars have claimed that the unicorn, being only a fable and not a real animal, naturally could not produce any bodily gasses at all, since it didn’t exist. Others claimed that unicorn sightings were so abundant that naturally the animal existed, and although a symbol of purity and grace it would still have to release the odd fart every now and then. The whole crew here at Amager Bryghus are a bunch of old time romantics and true believers. Brewery dog Kilo even insists that he once made out with a unicorn in nearby Kongelunden Forest. He’s such a lover boy. Well, we’re not gonna tell you exactly how we did it, but with the dry-hopping in Pink Farts & Unicorns we have recreated that exact aroma of a unicorn fart. Think delicious tropicana, think moist citrus, think….the smell of your most luscious dreams. And if you close your eyes too, you can even see the color. It’s true, it’s pink. This beer is for all ladies and dudes who choose to believe that fairytales actually exist. Just sniff….."
Väikest kasvu pikakaelaline pudel, sildil ... ohh üllatust, roosa ükssarvik :) Erkvalge vaht täidab pool klaasi ja püsib mõõdukalt. Õlle värvus - kirkalt kollane. Aroom ... noh man'd tea, kas see ikka on roosa ükssarve peerugaasi lõhn :) Igatahes magusakas ja puuviljane on ta igatahes. Huvitaval kombel meenutab aroom veidi farmhouse'i oma märja mullase maaläheduse tõttu.
Esmamekk on keskmisest kergema kehaga ja mõrkjas. Keskmaitse on magusakas-mõrkjas, vähese apelsinikoorese nüansiga. Lõppmaitses lisandub vähene hapukas noodike, kuigi mõrkjas põhi jääb peamiseks tegijaks. Järelmekk kaob suhteliselt ruttu ära, vähene mõrkjas vine jääb aga kurku meeldivalt virgena.
Keskmisest kergema kehaga, mõõdukalt karboniseerunud paletiga, mõrkjas-magusakas-hapukas-mõrkja buketiga HEA taseme rüübe. Lahjast laagrist on saadud päris maitsekas tegelane ... kuid meelde ei jää ta küll karvavõrdki.
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