Sunday, October 26, 2014

Degusteerimis-seminar nr 1

Gambrinuse Tartu õllepoe seminariruumis leidis aset üks omavärki ja muhe üritus. Degusteerimis-seminar. Haruldaste ja veidrate asjade maitsmine. Kõrgelthinnatute hindamine. Noh ja lihtsalt üks mõnus istung.

Ette võeti seitse vägevat, mida hinnati viie kriteeriumi järgi (disain, vaht, värvus, lõhn ja maitse) ning anti hinded. Ilmselt tuleb edaspidi lisada veel üks mõõdik - vastavus stiilile.

Konsiiliumi hinnangutest sai koondhinne, mis läks tagantjärele võrdlusesse ratebeeri skooriga. Ega ei pea vist üllatuma, et need pingeread laias laastus kattusid. Head rüübet tunneb ikka igaüks ära, isegi kui hindamine esmakordselt ette võetakse. Mis sest et mõni rüübe tõi lausa pisara silmi :)

Järgmine seminar tuleb varsti ... oodake kutseid!

1. Orange Crush, Amager/Cigar City, 5%vol. Ratebeer 95 / koondinne 6
Heavily dry-hopped with the juiciest of American aroma hops: Citra, Mosaic and Simcoe and a solid dose of our secret ingredient, a super fragrant brand of American orange peel.
2. Noblesse VerySpecial Old Pale (VSOP), De Dochter van de Korenaar 5,5%. (91 / 7,375)
Our regular Nobles is matured for 8 months on Filliers Belgian genever barrels, then 8 months bottle conditioned.
3. L’Enfant Terrible, De Dochter van de Korenaar, 7%vol, (93 / 6,87)
4. Black Nitro, Amager, 7,5%vol (98 / 7,625)
Dark IPA is a trend from the USA, as this beer is now also hit Denmark. Ingredients: Maris Otter barley malt, light caramel malt, black malt, oats, wheat, hops, water and US top-fermenting yeast.
5. #MashTag 2014, BrewDog, 9%vol (96 / 8)
The #Mashtag concept is simple. We invited the public to vote on each aspect of the brew, from hops to malt to the special twist and even the label design, and from the thousands of possibilities this presented, the result is an imperial red ale, brewed with copious speciality malts, a global blend of hops, and blood orange, lemon peel and orange peel.
6. Barrel Proof, Amager, 9%vol (97 / 8,625)
Barley Wine - The term "Barrel Proof" is known from the American bourbon industry, where it is used for a whiskey that is bottled without any dilution. And so also with our Barrel Proof, who has spent five months just on bourbon casks and then bottled without any detours. The result is a beer, which is very much to quiet enjoyment and recess. And what then happens, we can not take responsibility for - but we would love to hear about it!
7. Old Numbskull (RyeBarrel Aged), AleSmith, 11%vol, (99 / 9,75)

Old Numbskull aged in bourbon barrels. Limited release December 2004 available only at the brewery in individually numbered 750 mL foil-topped bottles. The first barrel-aged batch was brewed in 2002, racked to an oak bourbon barrel in 2003, and bottled in 2004. A second barrel-aged batch was brewed in 2004 and released in September of 2006.


  1. Peaks esmalt hindajaid hindama @ hinne 2 #MashTagile, kui ülejäänud on jaganud 9-10?

    1. No, mis teha. Kaks sai selle eest, et olin kahevahel. Liigahullu ja liigahea vahel kõlkumine kaldus arusaamatusse.
