Monday, August 22, 2022

Steam Brew German Red

Steam Brew German Red (Eichbaum, Saksamaa) prk 0,5 l. alc 7,9 %vol. Ratebeeri liigimääratlus: "Bock - Doppelbock" ja hinnang 12 punkti. Untappd ütleb: "Red Ale - Imperial / Double" ja 3,02 punkti

Tootjainfo (guugeltõlke kaudu): "The strong "German Red" bock beer impresses with its pleasant malty aroma and the interesting reddish color - thanks to selected and intensively dried malt types. It is rounded off with a slight bitterness that is as elegant as "the stranger" itself. 16.5° The stranger Inspired by his daughter's bright red hair, the stranger's father is considered the inventor of the German Red Beer. When Prohibition began, not wanting to surrender without a fight, he hid the recipe in a secret place in the country to protect himself from the takeover of the authorities. The recipe for the unique taste and the secret for the bright red color of the beer was lost for a long time. During this time, the stranger swore revenge on the authorities. She is the only survivor of the family who knows the exact recipe of the particularly strong red beer. She joined the Steam Brew group who had the perfect equipment for their specialty. In order not to be found out by the authorities as a family member, she hides her red hair under a hat and leaves her identity unknown. She is therefore only called "the stranger" because nobody knows her story underground. Even the master can only rumor about whether the intensively dried malt of their unique creation is responsible for the reddish colour. She is therefore only called "the stranger" because nobody knows her story underground. Even the master can only rumor about whether the intensively dried malt of their unique creation is responsible for the reddish colour. She is therefore only called "the stranger" because nobody knows her story underground. Even the master can only rumor about whether the intensively dried malt of their unique creation is responsible for the reddish colour.
IBU 23"

Keskmist kasvu purk, sildil kaunis punapea. Kreemikas vaht täidab pool klaasist ja püsib ülihästi. Õlle värvus - kirkalt vasekarva. Aroom on meeldivalt linnaseline ja karamelline.

Esmamekk on keskmisest raskema kehaga ja mõrkjas-magus. Keskmaitse on pähkline, linnaseline, nätskelt karamelline. Lõppmaitse - magus-hapukas, pihlakane ja veidi röstine. Järelmekk - karamell, iiriskomm, rammusalt koorevenisene ja -pumatine, aga õnneks ka üsna selge mõrkja põhjaga

Keskmisest raskema kehaga, mõõdukalt karboniseerunud paletiga, mõrkjas-magus-hapukas-magus-MAGUS-mõrkja buketiga HEA taseme rüübe. Noh, bokist on ta nüüd veidi mööda, eriti oma röstise mõruduse mõttes, kuid samas see mõru päästab magusasurmast ja kokku on ta joogina isegi päris bueno ja maitseküllane.
pilt isetehtud

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