Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Cody The Crooked Cop

Cody The Crooked Cop (Amager, Taani) pdl 0,5 l. alc 9,5 %vol. Ratebeeri liigimääratlus "Old Ale - Top 50" ja hinnang 93 punkti!

Tootjainfo: "Amager 10 year anniversary beer - The Mobster Series
Cody Kane had not always been a crooked, dirty cop. Far from it. When he started in law enforcement more than 20 years ago he came with bright ideas and beautiful ideals. The reality of Chicago’s criminal underworld curbed his enthusiasm and each year his ideals crumbled a little bit. Then came the drinking and with that came the gambling. Horses it was. Within only a few years he was knee deep in debt. And his paycheck from the CPD did little to help. So, like most of his colleagues he started doing small favors for the people that were tearing the city to pieces. And he hated himself for it. He wanted out. Out of the hush money, the gambling and the drinking. Well, at least the hard liquor he wanted out of. As an Irishman he had absolutely no intention of giving up his beer. He loved this fluid. A devout Catholic as he was, he was certain it was God’s hand that led him into the company of Dario Daddano, the city’s most notorious mobster. Now imprisoned with Cody as his personal guard, the two started talking for days. To Cody’s bafflement this Italian gangster revealed that he couldn’t stand wine and actually brewed his own beer at home. And Cody told Dario of a beer he remembered his dad drinking back home, a beer in barrels, strong and potent with a leathery yet refreshing smell. Three years later Cody, now employed as the head brewer in Dario’s Daddano & Dadolnikov Brewing Company, recreated this Old Ale. No more dirty money and even dirtier morals, only the joy of creating. The two could not have been happier."

Keskmist kasvu pikakaelaline pudel, sildil kentsakalt kurjakuulutav politseinik. Tumekollane vaht täidab kolmandiku klaasist, püsides üsna kenasti ning haakudes tihedalt klaasiseintele. Õlle värvus - tihkelt tumepunane.

Aroom on tihkelt magusakas, tulvil karamelli ja kuivatatud kirsse, soojust ja toekust, kodust lihtsust ja turvalisust. Huvitav, miks küll, kuid hetk peale nina klaasist välja tõstmist tuleb meelde linaõli.

Esmamekk on magusakalt raske. Soojalt raske. Päikesesoojal põrandal lebab tekk, millel vedelevad lapsed ja koerad. Magavad lapsed ja koerad. Ja paokil aknast kostev tuulekohin vanades sirelites.

Keskmaitse. Vanakooli iiriskomm. Ploomikonserv. Ploomi-iiris. Datlid ploomikonservis. Mõrkjas-magusad dattel-ploomid. Ülekõrvetatud suhkur. Kodune kukekomm. 

Lõppmaitse. Veidi hapukust teie kukekommile? Aga palun, kastke see siia punasõstra-mustika tarretisse. Päikeselaik on nihkunud, põrand jahtub, kuid need tegelased põõnavad edasi. Vaja neile teine tekk peale panna. Vanakooli baikatekk. See roosa ja liblikatega, teate küll. 

Raske kehaga, mõõdukalt karboniseerunud ja õlija paletiga, magusakas-mõrkjas-magusakas-hapukas-mõrkjas-magusakas-mõrkja buketiga ÜBERTASANDI RÜÜBE! Vanamoeline, ilma mingite vilede, tulede ja lisaviguriteta toekas rüübe. Selle klaasitäiega võib talvele vastu minna küll. Pikalt laagerdunud, kirstalliseerunud soolakämakatega täitunud juust võiks kildhaaval sulada põses seda juues.
pilt isetehtud

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