Sunday, August 13, 2017

Mandarina Man

Mandarina Man (Amager / Wicked Weed, Taani / USA) pdl 0,5 l. alc 7,0 %vol. Ratebeeri liigimääratlus "IPA" ja hinnang 93 punkti!

Tootjainfo: "Peter Prescott was born the youngest of 7 boys, son of a fruit picker in an orchard not far from Asheville in 19th century North Carolina. Not only was he last in line when the one daily meal was served, he was also small and weak. Peter soon realized that in order to survive he had to find his calories elsewhere. Fallen mandarins and mangos from the thousands of orchard trees became his salvation – quite literally. Peter calculated that most days 95% of his nutrition came from those fruits. And luckily Peter liked fruits. However, in his puberty things started to change for Peter. While his peers developed acne, Peter also had excrescences growing on his skin. Those were not pimples though, but small branches that would set ripe fruit during the night. Most annoying were the ones that grew out of his ears. Medicinal experts found Peter’s case very interesting, but lost interest as soon as they realized that no money would cover their interest. So Peter continued to wake up with branches sticking out from his body, and every now and then the pattern would be broken with an additional mango taking two days to be ripened out of his belly button. Peter was not a good orchard worker, weak as he was and fighting his daily abnormities. So when P.T. Barnums travelling circus passed through Asheville in 1860, Peter’s dad said a quick goodbye and sold him to Barnum’s side show for as little as 50 dollars. Peter however didn’t really mind and became famous as the Mandarina Man in many US states. Some claim he was even more famous than fellow English freak The Elephant Man. Later Peter married his long time love ‘The bearded lady” but the couple never had any children. Which might also have proven complicated.
IBU 45"

Keskmist kasvu pikakaelaline pudel, sildil kõneksolev puuviljuv mees :) Hõre valge sentimeetrine vahukiht kaob kiirelt. Õlle värvus - nähtava hõljumiga hämuselt tuhmkollane. Aroom on meeldivalt mahlane, kuigi kas ta nüüd just mandariin on ... pigem sinna apelsini kanti.

Esmamekk on keskmise kehaga ja vürtsikalt magusasakas. Keskmaitse on ääääärmiselt mahlane, hapukas, tsitruseline, meenutades veriapelsini värskeltpressitud mahla, vürtsikas, klaar ja kirgastav. Lõppmaitse muutub mõrkjamaks, nihkudes kumkvaatide poolele, mandariinid on seni veel kuskil läheduses, kuid mitte veel mängus. Järelmekk tiniseb vürtsika kuldse kellukesena, mis lõpuks omandabki mandariini kuju.

Keskmise kehaga, mõõdukalt karboniseerunud ja kuivapoolse kehaga, vürtsikas-magusakas-hapukas-vürtsikas-magusakas-mõrkjas-hapuka buketiga ÜBERTASANDI rüübe! Moodsa NE IPA hea otsa esindaja, mahlane ja elurõõmus. Pakkuda šampuseklaasidest aiapeo alguses.
pilt isetehtud

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