Sunday, January 9, 2022

Julebryg 2021

Julebryg 2021 (Amager, Taani) prk 0,44 l. alc 6,5 %vol. Ratebeeri liigimääratlus "Red Ale / International Amber Ale" ja hinnang 57 punkti. Untappd ütleb: "Red Ale - American Amber / Red" ja 3,34 punkti.

Tootjainfo: "Our traditional Xmas beer is an American Red Ale in the vintage 2021 version.
Let’s start with the most important thing first: Kurt Santa is doing well, and so is his entire bucket of six-legged mutated reindeer. Last year, the whole herd got Covid up in Scotland, and a local vet would knock them all down. But Kurt got them lifted to a reindeer hospital in Gesundenpflingen in southern Germany, where they run a so-called experimental Bock cure, and now they are having a great time. The Bock diet is just as effective as it is simple: take one liter of Doppelbock daily per kilo of body weight for 14 days, and BUM - goodbye to Corona.
Now Kurt is back at Kirstinehøj, with the reindeer on grass in the green fire belt just around the corner. They all eat fat and charge up for the hardships of December. Kurt goes a little out of hand in our warehouse here at the brewery - most of the time he just gets in the way. He has started cultivating genealogy because he finds it mega-exciting that he is of Dutch descent. And in the same embrace, he has heard of an orange plantation owner in California who also claims to be Santa Claus. Such an American smart-ass, Kurt twists several times daily while making plans for a sleigh ride to California and a showdown when the gift race is over. "A Santa Claus in a bare torso and red Speedos", Kurt shakes his head.
IBU 22"

Keskmist kasvu purk, sildil vana jõulupostkaart. Tumekollane vaht täidab 2/3 klaasist ja püsib väga kaua, haakudes veidi ka klaasiseintele. Õlle värvus - kirkalt tumedapoolne punane. Aroom - magusapoolne, karamelline ja rõskunud kuivikute sarnane.

Esmamekk on keskmise kehaga ja mõrkjas. Keskmaitse muutub hapukamaks ja kuivemaks. Lõppmaitses tugevneb hapu pool, muutudes ühtlasi rauarohkeks ja samas karamelliseks, justkui oleks põske pistnud kuivatatud aedmaasika. Järelmekk - magus-mõrkjas, kuiv ja rabavee meenutusega, kuid selles rabavees on lahustatud barbarisskomme.

Keskmisest veidi raskema kehaga, mõõdukalt karboniseerunud ja kuiva paletiga, mõrkjas-hapukas-hapu-mõrkjas-magusakas-vürtsikas-hapukas-mõrkja buketiga VÄGA HEA taseme rüübe. Punane eil nii nagu ta olema peab, sobides sel moel ka jõuluõlleks päris kenasti.
pilt isetehtud

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