Tootjainfo: "A Festbier - because life is back...
Sorcerer's Lab is a series of beers from Amager Bryghus that carries the torch even further than our previous experimental series, Brewer's Playtime, did. Where that series consisted mostly of interpretations of IPAs, Sorcerer's Lab will also dig into styles we rarely do - or may never have done at all. Why? Because we are constantly curious, not only about the new fad in hops or the fanciest pastry to pour into a huge, sticky Stout, but also about what can be learned from old, tried and tested styles brought into the modern beer era - albeit with a twist.
We found a Festbier to be a most fitting way to celebrate the end of what seems like an endless, bleak winter of Corona restrictions and what not. A beer so quaffable and pleasant that it is to be consumed in big greedy gulps, one after another until the glass or bottle is empty. The good news being that another one is waiting in the fridge. All of this to the tune of a brass trio playing that Oompah-Oompah music that we all love so much. Festbier was intended to be introduced at Amarkanerday 2021 - the first party Amager Bryghus has thrown for more than a year - but it wasn't quite ready. Good stuff takes time. But now we're back, and life itself is back. More parties to follow.
Ingredienser: Vand. Bygmalt: Pilsner, Vienna, Munich. Humle: Centennial, Hallertau Tradition, Spalter Select. Gær: German Bock"
Keskmist kasvu purk, sildil koomiksivõlur. Kreemika varjundiga vaht täidab üle poole klaasist, püsib kaua ja haakub kenasti ka klaasiseintele. Õlle värvus - kirkalt helekuldne. Aroom on linnaseline ja veidi karamelline.
Sorcerer's Lab is a series of beers from Amager Bryghus that carries the torch even further than our previous experimental series, Brewer's Playtime, did. Where that series consisted mostly of interpretations of IPAs, Sorcerer's Lab will also dig into styles we rarely do - or may never have done at all. Why? Because we are constantly curious, not only about the new fad in hops or the fanciest pastry to pour into a huge, sticky Stout, but also about what can be learned from old, tried and tested styles brought into the modern beer era - albeit with a twist.
We found a Festbier to be a most fitting way to celebrate the end of what seems like an endless, bleak winter of Corona restrictions and what not. A beer so quaffable and pleasant that it is to be consumed in big greedy gulps, one after another until the glass or bottle is empty. The good news being that another one is waiting in the fridge. All of this to the tune of a brass trio playing that Oompah-Oompah music that we all love so much. Festbier was intended to be introduced at Amarkanerday 2021 - the first party Amager Bryghus has thrown for more than a year - but it wasn't quite ready. Good stuff takes time. But now we're back, and life itself is back. More parties to follow.
Ingredienser: Vand. Bygmalt: Pilsner, Vienna, Munich. Humle: Centennial, Hallertau Tradition, Spalter Select. Gær: German Bock"
Keskmist kasvu purk, sildil koomiksivõlur. Kreemika varjundiga vaht täidab üle poole klaasist, püsib kaua ja haakub kenasti ka klaasiseintele. Õlle värvus - kirkalt helekuldne. Aroom on linnaseline ja veidi karamelline.
Esmamekk on keskmise kehaga, pehme ja mõrkjas. Keskmaitse - magus-mõrkjas, linnaseline, teraviljane, suvine ja ehe. Lõppmaitses mõru pool tugevneb, puudutades suisa kibekat serva, olles värskelt niidetud muru, raudrohu ja angervaksa meenutusega. Järelmekk paitab uuesti magusama, lausa kergelt mesise pehmusega, tuues tagataskust välja veidi hapukas-vürtsika mahlasuse ning lusikatäie pähklist boki-laadset tummisust.
Keskmise kehaga, mõõdukalt karboniseerunud ja kuivavõitu buketiga, mõrkjas-magus-mõrkjas-hapukas-vürtikas-mõrkjas-magusaka buketiga HEA taseme rüübe. Jah, see kraam meenutab päääris kenasti saksa festbier'tüüpi märjukese, ehkki on selleks tibakese liiga humalane. Lihtne ja kvaliteetne ning mis huvitav - samas väga nunnult pehmena mõjuv klaasitäis.
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