Sarah's Secret (
Amager / Bearded Iris, Taani / USA) pdl 0,33 l. alc 11,5 %vol. Ratebeeri liigimääratlus "Stout - imperial Flavored" ja hinnang 90 punkti. Untappd ütleb: "Stout - Imperial / Double" ja 4,07 punkti.
Tootjainfo: "A Double Mash Imperial Pastry Stout based on the Sarah Bernhard cake.
Sarah Bernhardt, maybe the greatest actress in the history of French theater. The quintessence of a femme fatale with her extravagant way of living and her dozens of scandalous affairs. Constantly broke, due to her son’s gambling habit, she would often go away on long world tours simply to gain revenue to continue her flamboyant lifestyle. Such a tour took her to Northern Europe in 1888. However, on this tour Sarah completely disappeared for 14 days, and not even her impresario had any clue of her whereabouts. When Sarah finally reappeared it was obvious that she had gained weight, quite a bit actually, but she utterly refused to talk about what had happened during those two weeks. Only years later the truth was revealed, bit by bit. It turns out that a rich, Danish pastry chef with an affection for the stage had seen Sarah perform at The Royal Danish Theatre. Kasimir Frederiksen fell in love right there on the spot. How he managed to seduce Sarah Bernhard away from the theater is still somewhat shrouded in mystery, since he certainly was not a good looker. But as a pastry chef he was a genius. For those two weeks Sara lived almost entirely off the small but delicious pastry he had named after her, a small wonder in all its simplicity: an almond meringue, filled with a coffee cocoa ganache and dipped in warm, melted chocolate. But after two weeks entirely on this diet even Sarah had had enough....
IBU 25"
Väike lihtne pudel, sildil daam ja maiustused. Pea olematu mustjas vahukiht kaob veelgi olematumaks. Õlle värvuse teemal me täna debatte ei ava, eks ole?
Aroom. Oi. Vana Gambrinus pole magusafänn, maiustused jäävad tavaliselt isegi pidulauas puutumata. Kuid SEE LÕHN! Täiesti arusaadav, miks kõnealune daam sellesse armus! See on niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii hunnitult täidlane, magus, šokolaadine. Kõige rammusam ja parem šokolaadikook lähema 1000 km raadiuses ilmselt.
Esmamekk. Meeldivalt ja pehmelt raske nagu satiinikattes vatitekk vanaema külalistetoas sinu lapsepõlvest. Šokolaadine ja ploomine. Soe ja tummine.
Keskmaitse. Olllaaallllaaaa! Vaata kui teaks, et mõni maius võib päriselus niimoodi maitsta, siis ostaks seda karpide kaupa ja kingiks kõigile, keda tahaks naeratamas näha. Konjaki-kakaokreem?
Lõppmaitse. Kakao mõrkjus, ploomide hapukus, pähklite ümarus. Vanade hoovide varjulised sopid käänulistel tänavatel linnas, mida sa pole kunagi käinud, aga kümneid kordi unenägudes näinud. Sa tead täpselt, kuhupoole jääb turg ja kuhu sünagoog, ehkki need pole iial su unenäos isegi vilksamini näha olnud. Aga sa oled siin olnud ja tahad sattuda veel.
Järelmekk. Unistuste linn, unelmate elu, unustatud armastused, pöördumatu saatus. Ja see kõik kokku on lummav.
INTERGALAKTILINE. Pööraselt luksuslik. Dessertõlu kõrgemates sfääridest.
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