Portoghesa (Klanbarrique / Birrifico Italiano, Itaalia) pdl 0,375 ml. alc 9,5 %vol. Ratebeeri liigimääratlus: "Sour / Wild Ale" ja hinnang 73 punkti. Untappd ütleb: "Porter - Imperial / Double" ja hinnang 4,02
Tootjainfo: "I’ll take off my boots, and put on my flip flops. Hawaiian shorts and a green-and-gold tshirt are under the belt, the broadsword, the scabbard; instead of an helmet
I’m wearing a fisherman hat and cool shades… I’m crossing the Atlantic – by plane – departing from the city of Porto, from its juicy glasses, I’m landing in Copacabana, among skimpy swimsuits, the sounds of samba shake me, tonight I’m not going after banners of war but following heads decorated with feathers and sequins… Tonight I go conquer: not lands nor castles, but the girl from Ipanema! A 10,5% ABV beer, a blend of an imperial porter aged in Port barrels and a sour cherry beer brewed with 25% by weight of sour cherries from Trentino. A rich and layered nose boasts sensations from the roasted malts (especially bitter chocolate and hazelnuts), echoing with the oxidized and sweet reverbs of Port and a redolent freshness from the cherries. Dry and sharply sour to the sip, it comes out as surprisingly easy-drinking while at the same time very complex and constantly evolving. "
Et siis portveini vaadis laagerdunud imp.porter ja hapu kirsiõlu? Hapu ja tumeda blendimine võib anda otse taevalikke kombosid. Eks näis kuidas see tegelane käitub.
Väike õlakas pudel, papagoikirju sildikujundus. Pruunakas-kreemikas vaht täidab kolmandiku klaasist ja püsib mõõdukalt, jättes klaasiseintele vaiptiheda vahukihi. Õlle värvus - sügav-kirgas-sügav-punane.
Aroom. Kirirkirsid. Kirsikirjad. Kuhilate viisi kirsse! Ja rösti. Röstkirsse.
Esmamekk. Rasekepoolne kirss. Metskirss koos murelitega.
Keskmaitse. Kirsibalsamico? Ilma suhkruta kompotikirsi kontsentraat.
Lõppmaitse. Punaseveiniäädikas leotatud kompotikirss!
Järelmekk. Kurjamakirss. Kirsikuhjatis. Kirsikirik.
Ülevõllikas. Ülekirsikas. Kirsikurat. Balsamicokirss. Kirsibalsamico. FRIIIIK!
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