La Pirata (Amager, Taani) pdl 0,33 l. alc 7,2 %vol. Ratebeeri liigimääratlus "IPA - Flavored" ja hinnang 75 punkti. Untappd ütleb: "IPA - New England" ja 3,57 punkti.
Tootjainfo: "Most often we think of pirates as cruel, heartless and very, very macho. But they were not all like that, not at all. Pirate Queen Emeraldas Texidor took to the seas and to piracy with her husband when the craft beer bar they owned on the Island of Menorca was wrecked for the third time by British tourists demanding Fosters on all taps. Emeraldas' husband never adapted well to life on a pirate ship, and soon died from an infected hemorrhoid. Now the Pirate Queen was also The Pirate Captain. Emeraldas committed her crew to only attack British cruise steamers, of which there were quite a few during the Victorian era. No weaponry was ever used during the attacks, only water cannons and very large deck mounted loudspeakers playing Wagner’s The Ring of the Nibelung on max and repeat. This made many of the tourists simply jump ship when her pink dreadnought approached at full speed. Emeraldas introduced a meat free day, fresh veggies with all meals and gluten free Pale Ale on her ship, and her crew became known as unbeatable at the yearly Mediterranean pirate games. Respected and loved to the day she retired and beyond, Emeraldas invested all of her life savings in a nursing home for orphaned children of Inuit pirates on a remote island in the Outer Hebrides controlled by Scottish nationalists. There on January 22nd, 1901 she quietly passed away while working on a manifesto for activist, female piratism. This is a collaboration beer made with Cerveses La Pirata, Suria, Spain
IBU 19"
Väike lihtne pudel, sildil naispiraat. Sentimeetrine erkvalge vahukiht kaob üsna kiirelt, kuid samas haakub mõneti klaasiseinale. Õlle värvus - kirkalt helekollane. Aroom ... jaaa ... siinkohal tasub lugeda peenikest kirja pudelisildi allservas, mis seletab, et siin on mängus virsiku- ja aprikoosipüree.
Esmamekk on keskmisest raskema kehaga ja magusakas-mõrkjas, veidi vürtsikas ja magusakas. Keskmaitse on meeldivalt puuviljane ja troopiliselt segumahlane, samas vähene humalane kribin sobitub siia imetabaselt! Lõppmaitse - jaaaaa - kui nüüd mõelda nii aprikoosi kui virsiku peale, siis on see ühine magus-troopiline-luuviljaline mekk siin täiesti olemas, kuid ilmselt ei suudaks ka relvaähvardusel neil kahel vahet teha. Järelmekk - kerge ja suvine ning puuviljane, mahlane ja värskendav.
Keskmisest veidi raskema kehaga, vähekarboniseerunud ja siidise paletiga, magusakas-mõrkjas-vürtsikas-magusakas-hapukas-mõrkja buketiga Übertaseme rüübe. Mahlane ja veidi humalakirbe nagus NEIPA olema peab, samas on puudu stiiliomane hämusus, kuid selle üle ei oska mitte üks törts kaevelda.
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