Sunday, December 8, 2013


Confidence (Moor, UK). pdl 0,66 l. alc 4,8 % Liigimääratlus - amber ale. 84 punkti ratebeeris, beeradvocate jaoks tundmatu.

Tootjainfo: "Confidence is our hoppy red ale. It was brewed as a tribute to Kung Fu San Soo Grand Master Jimmy H. Woo whose motto was “You can take my life but not my confidence.” I was very fortunate to be trained by first generation Master Chuck Cory who instilled that confidence in me. I designed this red ale in respect of his red master characters. Without his influence and the positive encouragement of my family I would not have had the confidence (or insanity?!) to chase my dreams around the world.

The beer has a bold ruby colour. The malt character is quite strong, with generous helpings of toffee, which is overlayed with a bitter and citric hop hit. This beer slides effortlessly past your defenses and assaults your mouth with flavour, leaving you overwhelmed. The red colour and warming character make it perfect for autumn drinking, so we try to release it around that time annually."

Lihtne suurepoolne pudel, nordiline sildikujundus. Õrnalt kreemikas vaht moodustab kahe sõrme paksuse kihi, mis on sametjas ja tihe. Õlle värvus - uduselt tumedapoolne puanakspruun. Aroom on üsna jõuliselt humalane, lubades pigem korralikku bitterit või koguni APA't, mitte amber ale.

Esmamekk on kergepoolne ja magusmõrkjas. Keskmaitses avalduvad humala tublid murused noodid, millesse sekkub lausa männiokkalikku kargust. Lõppmaitse on vaigune ja mullane, parimas mõttes maalähedane. Järelmekk on karge ja väga värskendav, omamoodi toekas ja usaldusväärne nagu üks aus inglise bitter ikka olema peab.

Kergepoolse kehaga, keskmiselt karboniseeritud paletiga, mõrkjas-magus-hapukas-mõrkja buketiga mõnusalt karastav rüübe. Siia juurde sobiks päris mõnusalt midagi lihtsat ja toekat, nt ahjusoe karjase pirukas.
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