Sunday, July 31, 2016

Black Sails

Black Sails (Victory Art, Venemaa) pdl 0,5 l. alc 6 %vol. Ratebeeri liigimääratlus: "Black IPA" ja hinnang 97 punkti!!

Tootjainfo: "Black Sails - the beer brewed in a very contradictory style. The contradiction is in the name of the style - Black IPA or "Black Indian Pale Ale". The history of this style is not very long - it started just a few years ago. It all started in US and doesn’t have any connection to India despite the name. The authors of the style tried to brew a beer which was very similar to IPA in terms of aroma and taste but had a deep black colour. The problem which the brewer encountered was that dark malts used to brew dark beer tend to add a coffee-chocolate-burnt flavours and aromas - the characteristics usually not associated with real IPA. Our beer has a distinctive aroma of citruses, tropical fruits, lemon, mango and a bit of pines, having a dry bitter taste full of hops. And a very very light touch of chocolate. But if you drink it with you eyes closed it would be very challenging to discover what is the colour of the beer - black beer is usually associated with porters and stouts. The name sends us to those years when Caribbeans were full of pirates, most of them were from England.
So you are welcome to taste our pirate ale!
IBU 50"

Keskmist kasvu pikakaelaline pudel, sildil tükike vana merekaarti. Hallikas-pruunakas vaht täidab üle poole klaasist ja püsib väga kaua. Õlle värvus - kirkalt tume-tume-sügavpunane. Aroom on leebelt mõrkjas, kohvine, rosinakeeksi ja männivaigu taoline.

Esmamekk on keskmise kehaga ja mõrkjas-hapukas. Keskmaitse on kreemine, pehme, šokolaadine ... apelsin šokolaadis. Lõppmaitse muutub rikkalikumaks, mõrkjas-hapukad noodid meenutavad ... hmmm ... friteeritud kuusevõrseid? Järelmekk on alguses mõrkjas-magusakalt šokolaadine, seejärel aga juba vürtsikalt, või isegi kirbelt tsitruseline.

Keskmisest suts raskema kehaga, tugevalt karboniseerunud ja sametise paletiga, mõrkjas-hapukas-magusakas-mõrkjas-hapukas-vürtsika buketiga Übertasandi rüübe! Tõsi küll, pigem humalane stout kui päris-päris must IPA (mida iganes see viimane mõiste ka ei tähendaks). Aga igatahes Väga maitseküllane ja meeldiv jook. Siia kõrvale võiks pakkuda mustikaid šokolaadis.
pilt isetehtud

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